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Data Engineering Process Fundamentals - Pipeline and Orchestration

7 minute read

Ozkary Data Engineering Process Pipeline and Orchestration

A data pipeline is a workflow of tasks that can be executed in Docker containers. The execution, scheduling, managing and monitoring of the pipeline is refer as orchestration. In order to support the operations of the pipeline and its orchestratio...

AI Engineering Azure OpenAI API Service with .NET

5 minute read

Ozkary AI Engineering Azure OpenAI API Service with .NET

Azure provides the Azure OpenAI services which integrates the OpenAI API in Azure infrastructure. This enables us to create custom hosting resources and access the OpenAI API with a custom domain and deployment configuration. There are API client ...

AI Engineering Generate Code from User Stories

8 minute read

Ozkary AI Engineering generate code from user stories

LLM can play a significant role when it comes to generating code by leveraging the language understanding and generative capabilities. Users can simply create text prompts with a user story format and provide enough context like technologies, requ...

Data Engineering Process Fundamentals - Design and Planning Exercise

8 minute read

Ozkary Data Engineering Process Design and Planning Exercise

Infrastructure planning is a critical aspect of every technical project, laying the foundation for successful project delivery. In the case of a Data Engineering project, it becomes even more crucial. To support our project’s objectives, we need t...

Data Engineering Process Fundamentals - Design and Planning

4 minute read

Ozkary Data Engineering Process Design and Planning

A data engineering design is the actual plan to build the technical solution. It includes the system architecture, data integration, flow and pipeline orchestration, the data storage platform, transformation and management, data processing and ana...